

October 2020

Rules for the wholesale and retail sale of pharmaceutical products and medical devices


On October 3, 2020, the Rules for the Wholesale and Retail Sale of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices (i) (“Rules”) come into force.


The new Rules introduce the following key changes:


1. According to the amendments, pharmaceutical products and medical devices ("PP and MD"), among others, that do not correspond to the accompanying documents, with an expired shelf life, are stored in a specially designated place protected from unauthorized access.


2. Now, the wholesale PP and MD is carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

• PP and MD are purchased only from manufacturers or entities, among others, who have notified the start of activities through the warehouse of medical devices.


• PP and MD are sold to entities, among others, who have notified the start of activities through stores of optics and medical devices.



3. Also, it is worth noting that there is a requirement for retail sale of PP during the period of the state of emergency, restrictive measures, including quarantine, subject to prescription dispensing is carried out in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 233 of the Code (ii).


4. Now, when receiving PP and MD, among others, the presence of a certificate of conformity for products is checked in the accompanying documents.


(i)  Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 17, 2020 No. KR DSM-104/2020 On approval of the Rules for the wholesale and retail sale of pharmaceutical products and medical devices.

(ii)  The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On people's health and the health care system".





Dairbekov Rauan

 «Redbrick Law Firm»



Т: 8775 7243986